
Prime Slider Pro 3.5.3

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An out of the box slider, Prime Slider comes with modern and trendy design feature and ready to go options. Based on Elementor Page Builder, this is a drag and drop slider with lots of variation. Prime Slider for Elementor has been developed with world’s best practice code standard and meets proper validation using the latest CSS, HTML5 and PHP 8.x technologies to bring you a professional level slider for Elementor Page Builder Plugin that is WordPress 5.8x ready.

 Fully responsive unique hero come slider & all type of device responsive ready each slide.

We follow latest trendy design with social share button, title, sub title and background. Also another great part is you can manage your logo, menu, offcanvas etc in one place.

Very easy to use and user friendly designs. Everything is done by us, you just have to edit the design that we pre made in our prime slider. Within few clicks your site will be a wow website.

It’s also multilingual ready.

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